Day 5 of 30: Dance Recital and Week Recap

Another Dance Recital in the books. This was Abby's sixth recital and every year it's a great production ran by Z&She's Dance Academy. Abby really loves going to dance and I'm proud of her commitment and desire to improve each year. It was a great job by everyone.
I don't plan on doing much work on Sunday's, if any, so this is a good time to recap the week. Looking back, wow, what a week.
I completed my time at Illinois Valley Cellular on Wednesday with my final good-byes. I worked there for 11 1/2 years so going to full-time self employment was definitely a big change in my life.
I finished the Avanti Foods website, met with the owners, and after a few minor edits we will be ready to release to the public.
Practiced with the drone, took pictures and video with the drone, got comfortable flying the drone, then crashed the drone. Going today to fix the drone.
Started a video project for V&C Construction. Talked with them about future projects.
Took footage at Green River Country Club for a promotional video. Unfortunately the video is delayed just a little due to the drone crash. Also, I have been working on marketing their Glow in the Dark Golf Night. Great response to that event that takes place this Saturday.
After a lot of back-and-forth e-mails trying to track down the history of Walnut Custom Components website, we are ready to begin with getting a new website for them.
Took video at a new house up for sale for an upcoming virtual tour that will release in the next couple of days for Dahl Real Estate.
Reached out to potential clients to work with in the future. Will be setting up some meetings soon.
Those are the highlights and this week is going to be extremely busy too. The beauty of what I do is I can work anywhere as long as I have my Mac and an internet connection. Today starts basketball camp for Abby. I get to take her everyday to the high school for camp and I plan on working during that time so I can stay productive.
If you are a business owner reading this, e-mail me at and we can discuss how I can make your business grow.
Looking forward to a great week ahead.